Righton Speedy-K Autorefractor Keratometer (Pre-Owned)
Righton's Speedy K Autorefractor / Keratometer has advanced engineering and unique technology that make the Speedy autorefractors the most accurate autorefractors available. It's acquisition of data optimizes measurements and reduces testing time. The medical Retro-Illumination mode allows the lens to be observed, and media opacities illuminated and identified. Readings are initiated the instant that alignment and focus is achieved and measurements are terminated automatically when complete. Measurements are taken in a fraction of a second.. Perfect for children and patients who require rapid measurement acquisition
- Pre-Owned
• Automatic printing of both the Keratomerty and Refraction data.
• Simultaneous and automatic wireless transfer to a Remote Vision unit.
• 0.35 second measuring time for each reading, plus you receive the most accurate data withouthaving to press any keys.
• Even when taking a Peripheral Keratometry reading, it completes a set of Refraction, Central
• Keratometry and Peripheral Keratometry readings in only 0.45 seconds per reading.
• Ouick Mode, Retro Function and Fixation Intensity Change all ensure accurate readings.
• 100 patient memory.
• Peripheral Data
The Tangential method measures four peripheral points in 25 degree direction
concurrently, dramatically saving time. Refraction, Keratometry Center and Peripheral data
are all taken simultaneously, in a 0.45 second reading.
• Simultaneous Measurement
Measure Refraction and Keratometry data continuously and automatically in an amazing
0.35 seconds per reading.
• Wider Reading Range
For Keratometry, Speedy-K boasts a corneal radius curvature range of 5 – 11 mm and a
corneal astigmatism range of up to 12D. For refractions, its spherical range is from -18D to
+23D, while its cylindrical range is up to 12D.
• Video Jack
For viewing on a separate monitor, a video jack is also provided.
• 2.5 mm Pupil Dismeter Plus Light Intensity Control
The minimum pupil diameter is 2.5 mm. Moreover, the light intensity of the fixation
chart can be reduced for patients whose eyes are overly sensitive to light. In addition, the
improved Tree target is easy to see, and is familiar, even for children. The periphery of
the target is slightly blurred so that the patient will focus easily on the center of the
• Contact Lens Measurement
Speedy-K also permits measurement of contact lens curvatures by using a dedicated
contact lens holder.
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